Going ‘circular’ is not just for big business. Everyone can get involved and take some quick, easy steps to reduce their negative business impacts, even saving money in the process. But if you aren’t even sure what the circular economy is, let alone where to start, we get you on track with our latest insight!
The circular economy and circular office
The ‘circular economy’ is about moving away from traditional business and consumer practices based on ‘make, use, dispose’. Rather than using up valuable resources and energy for short term gain and unsustainably depleting our natural resources, the circular economy looks at designing out waste, extending the life of existing products and regenerating our natural systems.
Many organisations are committing to implementing better business practices and the office is a natural place to start, hence the term ‘circular office’. But now you hopefully understand what the circular economy and circular office are about, what practical steps can your business take to get on board?
Embrace furniture repair and refurbishment
In 2011 research by WRAP found that only 14% of office furniture was reused, meaning that an estimated 1.8million office chairs and 1.2million office desks were sent to landfill each year. As a result of that shocking amount of waste, Premier Workplace Services opened the award winning Renew Centre where we can help clients make the most of existing furniture assets. Whether your reception seating is looking tired, your task chairs are missing wheels and arms, your desks are the wrong size or shape for your new ways of working, or you just want a fresh new look and feel – embrace repair and refurbishment! You will be surprised about what you can achieve for a fraction of the cost of replacing these items.
Buy reused rather than new
Buying reused furniture reduces waste as well as your carbon and water footprint, making it a quick and easy step towards the circular office. What’s more, this can not only save you money but make established brands affordable on even the tightest of budgets.
As Premier’s office furniture retail arm, we stock a wide range of high quality used office furniture from all the leading brands. What are you waiting for? Take a look at our latest stock and see how we can help you furnish your office with reused office furniture!
Find out more about taking steps towards a circular office from the leading supplier of sustainable workplace services, Premier Workplace Services.